Canadian Grip Sport Championships 2020

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This event has taken place in Ottawa over the past couple of years but has now come out west and we hope to make it a awesome event for everyone. There are no prequalifying events to be able to enter. As the sport grows this may not always be the case. Additional detail will be entered in the following weeks. The events anticipated are: 1 - Two Hand Pinch Deadlift the 2" x 5" Saxon Bar - JS Made - 4 attempts to a 20” standard 2 - Double Overhand Axle Deadlift - Ironmind - GSI Ranked - 4 attempts - paused at the top 3 - Large Dinnie Ring Max Lift - No Hook - Killer Strength Scotland - 4 attempts - 6” lift to a standard 4 - One Hand Tips Tester - Barrel Strength Systems - GSI Ranked - 4 attempts - 6” standard (to confirm) 4 Attempts (not unlimited attempts within 60 seconds) There is also a possibility that 2 Thomas Inch dumbbells will be available for challenging the farmers walk record. Weight classes as per Canada Grip Sport Men’s weight classes – 74 kg, 83 kg, 93kg, 105 kg and 105+kg, an open men's 50+ years class, and a women’s open class. However, competitors whose weight would place them in one of the other standard grip sport weight classes (59, 66, or 120 kg for men, and 47, 52, 57, 63, 72, or 84 kg for women) will have their performances tracked on the Grip Sport Ranking Lists on the North American Grip Sport Organization site. Contact: Jason Steeves at, Facebook, or the Alberta Gripsport Instagram page
Saturday, April 18, 2020 at 9:00 AM to Sunday, April 19, 2020 at 5:00 PM.
Evolve Strength North, 13457 149 Street NW